Thursday, December 10, 2009

How do I know the diametr or curve of my eyes? I need it to be able to order the cosmetic lenses?

Only an optomitrist can measure the curve of your eye in order for you to be able to order lenses to properly fit your eye. Even though you have good eye sight they still have to be measured and you have to have a ';cosmedic perscription'; in order to get them. It is actually against the law for them to let you have them without a cosmedic perscription.

My advise would be go to a Walmart optomitrist and have your eyes measured for them ( the eye exam is cheap there) and them either order through them or online.

The reason you have to have them measured and there is a law, is because you can cause infection or even go blind if you get lenses that don't fit your eye properly.How do I know the diametr or curve of my eyes? I need it to be able to order the cosmetic lenses?
Your eye doctor tells you. He measures it for ya.How do I know the diametr or curve of my eyes? I need it to be able to order the cosmetic lenses?
I dunno
I tried to order contacts online once because I didn't want to have to pay for another exam and I had my old eye prescription however every website I went to required me to have an actual prescription and wanted to know exact details on where I got the prescription so they could confirm it. I thought I found one that would allow me to order them and I ever went through the checkout but they said they needed to confirm it before they would send them out. I got an email later stating my prescription was not valid or current
you have to go to a optometrist, they can get your eye prescription or measurements.

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