Thursday, December 10, 2009

What do you think of cosmetic plastic surgery in general ? Why would you do it? Are you afraid of it?

I got creeped out reading some stuff at

I need advice. PLEASE HELP!!!!What do you think of cosmetic plastic surgery in general ? Why would you do it? Are you afraid of it?
I think it is a great thing for the right person, right procedure, with the right doctor, at the right time. If any of those elements are off, the effects could be disastrous. I have had two cosmetic procedures: breast augmentation and rhinoplasty, and am looking into malar augmentation. It is scary, yes, and there are some real risks involved. Ultimately what it comes down to is asking yourself if the benefits outweigh the risks for you.

Are you looking into plastic surgery? Feel free to email me for the names of my doctors- they are fantastic.What do you think of cosmetic plastic surgery in general ? Why would you do it? Are you afraid of it?
I think it's a personal decision. I don't think it's bad or scary though. If you invest in going to a reputable surgeon and allow yourself plenty of time for recovery there should be no reason for some of the horror stories you hear.
I consider it to have the same risks as any other surgery. Whether or not it is worth that risk I think is up to the individual.

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