Thursday, December 3, 2009

Men: Why do you think we wear cosmetic make-up?

Men Why do you think females wear cosmetic make-up?Men: Why do you think we wear cosmetic make-up?
Because you are vain.

Looks are more important to you than being a person.

To pretend do are someone else.

To cover up your blemishes.

Because you are pathetically following what everyone else is doing like a load of sheep.Men: Why do you think we wear cosmetic make-up?
To take our attention of the bellies and the a****s, hanging over the jeans and the general disregard for decent clothes.Anything else you would like to ask.
to hide away your little blemishes that no man would notice anyway. Incase you hadn't realised we aren't that observant
i dont know bu you always seem to stress aabout it and think we notice EVERY little thing
Because you have allowed your vanity to be brainwashed.
it is not make up but war paint
To make you more confident.
Low self esteem!
ask any guy first thing in the morning
To boost confidence,look good?

It enhances features which you wouldn't notice otherwise, as you have admitted.
You would luck minging without it
Havn't a clue - I always find women more attractive without it
To cover up their natural beauty

which I don't fully understand...
To mask your beauty

To cover up your natural loveliness

Because you're good at plastering

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