Thursday, December 3, 2009

Poll: Your views on animal testing for medical or cosmetic reasons?

1) Views for cosmetic reasons

2) Views for medical reasonsPoll: Your views on animal testing for medical or cosmetic reasons?
1) Against. For obvious reasons, millions of animals should not have to suffer greatly and die for reasons of mere vanity.

2) Against. There are many reasons to oppose animal testing, even if you don't care about animals:

It is inaccurate- it is not only the nonhuman animals that suffer from animal testing. Humans suffer as well. Cures are often dismissed, delayed, or wrong due to the differences between humans and animals. 92% of things found safe/effective in animals are found unsafe and ineffective in humans. Half that make it to the market are later recalled. Humans die because of animal testing.

It is expensive- more accurate tests like human cell cultures are far less expensive. The only people who really support animal testing are those that make money from it.

It is unethical- animals are gassed, poisoned, given diseases, crowded, beaten, starved, injured and so forth in labs, often for reasons of mere interest. Animals are often taken from their wild habitats and forced into small cages where they will spend their lives being tested on until they are killed.

Plenty of doctors have spoken out against animal testing as well: Your views on animal testing for medical or cosmetic reasons?
This is really more of a senior thesis question than a YA! one. I'll try to sum it up for you as briefly as possible.


Pay the several thousand bucks to test on animals, avoid lawsuits by sue-happy humans when a product adversly impacts them.
I would MUCH rather testing on animals, vs. testing on humans. Most things are okay. I don't exactly agree with doctors doing any crazy test on animals.
Absolutely not on either of them! HANDS DOWN

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