Thursday, December 3, 2009

I currently work at Nordstroms at the Clinique Cosmetic Counter.?

I am thinking about a career as a medical or dental assistant. What do you think is a better career opportunity? Either a career at Nordstroms or as a dental or medical assistant?I currently work at Nordstroms at the Clinique Cosmetic Counter.?
medical/dental assistant! think about your life in 20 years.... people with medical (or dental) skills are going to be in high demand because there's a massive shortage here in the USA. don't you want a career with limitless possibilities and a career that you can look back on and think, ';i made a difference';.

besides the money is much better as an assistant.

definitely reach for something that requires a degree or certification, that way you have a leg up on the competition.

and if you can, consider becoming a nurse. lots of money to be made and you can get a job nearly anywhere in the USA because they're in such high demand.

good luck.I currently work at Nordstroms at the Clinique Cosmetic Counter.?
medical assistant.
You should have enough ';scents'; to know the answer to your question.
are you kidding?? retail sucks and shouldn't even be eligible as a career. Go to school and become a dental or medical assistant.

p.s. a medical doctor is a M.D. not Ph.D.
A career at nordstroms is better. You can work your way up to management without going to school. If you become a medical assistant, you cant become a doctor without a PHD.
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