Thursday, December 10, 2009

My 2 yr is having hair all over her face n is saying it is just she the only child ?

i m verry worried about her.i dont want anybody to look at her with a different eye.My 2 yr is having hair all over her face n is saying it is just she the only child ?
yeh its perfectly normal it will fall off. i know alot of kids like that.My 2 yr is having hair all over her face n is saying it is just she the only child ?
Yes...will fall off in time...not to be too concerned
dont worry....the hair will fall off as she gets older. ok
If its just fine downy hair its normal and will fall off in time. if you are talking about thick hair all over then that aint normal, what does she have?
what do you mean her face %26amp; body is covered with hair?

thick hair?
  • brown hair
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