Thursday, December 3, 2009

Issues that cosmetic scientists might address?

Describe some issues that cosmetic scientists might address when inventing a productIssues that cosmetic scientists might address?
Well - Preservation of the cosmetic is one consideration. Will the cosmetic resist mold and bacterial degradation over time? Often a 'preservative' effectiveness test is conducted to figure out the 'right amount and type' of preservative to include. This test is done by checking specimens (e.g. - lipstick tubes) stored at different temperatures for different periods of time periodically for microbial contamination.

Another issue to always consider is safety. Today, we can rely on experience and databases to guage the safety of common ingredients in known concentrations - so less 'animal' testing is required - but that said, I would want something put into or on a human being to FIRST be put into or on an animal! While the need for animal testing in cosmetic research is declining with time, we should not jeopardize this important tool in pharmaceutical and biological research!

Hope this helps! Keep learning science!

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