Thursday, December 10, 2009

Is it possible at all to get free braces for cosmetic reasons or not really severe case.?

i have a gap between my 2 front teeth and it bothers me when i speak, like when i pronounce something that start with a F or a TH, the gap also lowers my self esteem so its not all entirely cosmetic. my insurance is health first and medicaid. right now i'm just waiting for a referral from the dentist people, and does anyone know how long do you have to wait. cause i heard people say 3 months and 4 weeks I'm confused. please answer and thanks for answeringIs it possible at all to get free braces for cosmetic reasons or not really severe case.?
By the time you get the referral, get the consultation and get scheduled for the actual procedure at least 2 months elapse.

Sounds like you should get evaluated for thick / fibrous labial frenum / frenulum first that is pulling those two teeth apart.

Believe me, many people get space like that closed with braces without getting frenectomy and the space comes back as soon as the braces are removed.

So, frenectomy first (should easily be covered if you see the Oral Surgeon through referral by your dentist) and then the braces.

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