Thursday, December 3, 2009

Would you ever get cosmetic plastic surgery?

or have you already?Would you ever get cosmetic plastic surgery?
No and no.

I'm a firm believer in I am who I am for a reason. I have flaws, yes, but they are some reasons why the people in my life love me. Would you ever get cosmetic plastic surgery?
I had a rhinoplasty when I was 17, so technically yes, I have had cosmetic surgery. It was actually to correct my deviated septum which was making it so I could only breathe through half of my nose, but it resulted in a large cosmetic change since my nose is now actually straight instead of slanted to the left.

Would I ever actually have true cosmetic surgery? Maybe. There's a line between vanity and something needed to increase self esteem and self confidence. Until I get to the point of needing a procedure to actually improve my self image, I'll say no.
I'd seriously consider it. If someone offered me a free surgery..... I'd get a tummy tuck. :) Having three children in three years was very unforgiving to my midsection. A breast lift and reduction wouldn't be a bad idea either. lol I don't think I'd actually be able to go through with it though. I'd be too scared.

The one ';elective surgery'; I've ever had went horribly wrong and I almost died. The thought of doing any additional elective surgery freaks me out. The surgery was not cosmetic. It was just getting my tubes tied. If that was my luck with such a ';routine procedure';, I can't imagine what would happen if I did anything else. I guess I should have just gotten an IUD. lol Keeping that in mind, I've invested in wonderful push-up bras and control top panties. :)
If it were free, I would opt for a breast lift....and maybe a little enhancement to a full C. I breastfed two kids back to back and fate was not kind to my breasts. After I weaned my son they went down to a 32C- which is not only smaller than what I had before, it is also a hard size to find. I fear what, and where, they will be after this kid is done breastfeeding.
Used to I would say No...Even when I was pregnant I said No, its just un-natural..... *Ok- Jump ahead 11 months now*

My Daughter is 11 months and now, my answer would be YES YES YES YES!!!

I am VERY self concious of my stomach. I had a C-section so the skin kinda hangs a little since I have an incision....Also, i have some stretch marks and looking at myself makes me feel ugly...I dont even like for my husband to see me...

So, YES I would DEFINATELY consider Plastic Surgery
No- I believe in loving your body for what it is and only doing healthy changes, like more exercise and eating well. Though I don't know the reason God gave me this body and maybe I would have liked a nicer one-lol but because this is what I was given this is what I am to look after not change.
well, i was debating on getting my tummy done. i dont see anytthing wrong with it as long as you are aware of the risks. i was watching a show and a girl dies from a tummy tuck infection! it scared the crap out of me and now im changing my mind. i think im just gonna be happy with what i have. but if someone wants to get it done, i completely understand. its hard to have a baby and watch your figure go to poo!! but then again, i would give up my tummy anyday for my perfect baby =)
Heck yeah I would.

I would get a breast augmentation and I would also get a tummy tuck or something that helped with my FLAB. I wouldn't get anything just to get it, but if I could get those two for free I would. I need a self-esteem boost anyways and those two things would give me some.
yes I would. They only thing I dislike about my body is my midsection. After three babies I have this unbearable pooch that I can't get rid of. My boobs...who cares. No one sees those. But I would love to wear a bathing suit with out looking like I am 3 months pregnant. That is my only big grief.
Yes I would only it were free lol (Fat chance right)..Not to be vain or anything but I think it would help my self confidence.All I would be interested in is a tummy tuck %26amp; boob lift..I do think some people take it a little to far but it is their body and therefore their choice.
I have breast implants (yep so please thmbs me down jealous ppl)...I will get my face lifted if and when I need it when I get older...We have the money so why not?

I plan to get my implants taken out and replaced with smaller ones..I got them a tad to big...
I have always wanted breast implants (not huge, but a full C), but I doubt that I will ever have it done...I am too chicken.

I am getting Lasik eye surgery done next month, but I don't think that counts as cosmetic surgery
If I could i would do it in a heart beat. After 3 kids things aren't like they use to be. I would love a tummy tuck and to get my breast done.
I don't mind looking older, but I'd like to lift the boobies back up to where God put em.

Already talked to the hubby about it! :)
I've thought it would be nice to get a breast lift......nursing really takes its toll! Anyone know of a good doctor who works for free?? lol.
Yes, if someone offered it for free or we ever get to a financial status where we could afford something like that.
Once I am done having babies I would love to get my boobs reduced and lifted! We'll see if money permits... Oh and maybe a tummy tuck!
i wont do it even if its for free. i dont want anybody experimenting on my body or face just for vanity.

I'd get a tummy tuck...and possibly have my boobs placed back where they belong...after breast feeding two boobs are far from where they used to be.
No. Not worth the risk of going under general aenesthetic .
Not unless I was dying and needed it, or unless it was for a health reason.
If I could afford it I might get a tummy tuck and get the fat sucked out of my legs. Lol!
If I received a huge discount or got it for free... I'd do it in a heartbeat

Yes, I plan on getting a breast lift when I have extra money... Hehe... extra money... When will that happen????
Only if it was free. I'd consider getting a nose job or a tummy tuck.
i dunno. maybe, but i hope that i won't need it, cuz i'll be cute for a long long long time
Yes yes yes! I want all my stretch marks gone! But unless i win lotto or get free surgery i dont see it happening
Nope, I like me how I am.
no. I think faults are more attractive then fake perfection
Yes.. If and when I can afford it.
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