Monday, June 21, 2010

Have you had cosmetic surgery?

I'm due to have a consultation soon re a breast enlargement operation. What sort of questions should I be asking - stuff that you think about after an operation, but not before?

Yes, I HAVE thought about this - for twelve years in fact; and for all of you do-gooders I have also thought about the consequences and what could go wrong - so please don't bother writing that I shouldn't do it - cos it's my decision and I already made it.Have you had cosmetic surgery?
Yes I have. I actually had a breast augmentation this last January. I went from an A cup to a D. I don't regret it in the least. I love them. I have had many people tell me Im stupid or superficial for having it done. Usually the people who already have big boobs so they dont kno what it feels like, or the ones who have small ones and can't afford to get it done or who are too scared too. I was quite irritated by how much crap people gave me. But I did it for my self. I can buy and fit into more clothes and usually whatever I put on looks good. So now I dont have to spend an hour picking out what to wear without looking like a 12 year old girl. Just make sure you find out how long ur suppose to take ur meds after ur surgery and promise me no matter what you do. Use lostion, cocoa butter, aloe vera everyday 3 times a day. Cause at first you wont notice anything but after a month its like ur new formed stretch marks come out of no where! And you will be like me trying to get rid of them or fading them for months and months. Mine are now just starting to slowly fade. i didnt get it you see all these people with thier breast augs. and NO SCARS. Its the only thing I regret not doing. Even if it seems ur not getting them u will. Ur strecthing the skin. So I hope that helps.Have you had cosmetic surgery?
I have and can say it's the best thing I've ever done. After 3 kids I had the apron of skin so had a tummy tuck. Fantastic! Only 1 day of mild discomfort
Good Luck..if it makes you feel better about yourself Go for it...I have not had cosmetic surgery, but I will most likely be next year.. As long as you interview several doctors and make sure that you are comfortable with whomever you choose, then you should be just fine...heck we get in cars everyday, and no one seems to bat an eyelash at that and I would say it is more dangerous to drive than to have surgery..

I have had regular surgery, and some apprehension is normal...but so is excitement.
no i have not had cosmetic surgery.
at least you will be able to float more freely in the water
You should be asking your doctor if he or she:

recommends placing the implant under the muscle or over the muscle. Over the muscle has a higher incidence of capsular contraction (hardening of the implant)

-what type of implant they recommend (saline, cohesive gel, silicone)

-what size would be best suited for you depending on your breast width diameter and body frame

-what type of incision he or she uses (areola, crease fold, arm pit or through the navel)

-what the recovery period will be like and how soon you'll be able to go back to work

-what his or her policy is on re-do's because once you have commited to breast augmentation there is a possiblity you might need to have a re-do if something does not go quite as expected (that's pretty normal)
You can ask what are the chances of the silicone leaking, the different shapes you can choose, when can I exercise after the op, will I have to wear a special bra for several months, what the side effects might be, what the chances are of not experiencing any feeling in your nipples (I've heard this). All very important questions. Good luck though because I couldn't go through with it as the thought of having something fake under my skin would scare me - the cost even scarier. Besides I think natural is more beautiful whether saggy, flat or down to your knees! P.S. I think there are silicone free implants (saline?) that might cost a lot more but worth asking - but don't take my word for it.
You go girl .......

You know you will have thought of everything ...i know i did ...

Remember your painkillers and sports bra and do not forget to massage them daily ....

Oh and when you take your first peek they will be huge .. they do go down ...

You can ask where the implant is being placed .. ie behind the muscle or infront ....

ask can you use bio oil ....Your surgeon will give you a fact pack before ...

What size he reccomends? How long before they drop?

how long you have to wear sports bras for ?

oh yes you must ask if he is baps approved (british association for plastic surgeons) view previous works .. ask him how he is going to postion them .. you do not want the beach ball look . .ask him to postion them apart
You might want to ask the doctor the following questions:

How long is the procedure?

What is my recovery time?

Are there any foods or drinks that I have to stay away from?

Will I need a maintenance surgery?

How long do the results last?

Will I be able to breastfeed with the breast implants?Important!

If you have any health conditions make sure your doctor knows about them because that could jeopardize your health.

Good Luck ;)
i cut a wart off my foreskin once. home cosmetic surgery at its finest.
No I have not and I am not planning on it.
good on you girl, ive been thinking about having a breast lift for ages!! hope all goes well for you x x
No, but I am having a section in a couple of months and if Im lucky mite get a tummy tuck at the same time!

I would ask about the procedure, the side effects and the recovert time, any risks involved and possible complications.
no, i had a friend who did.

she is looking good and feeling even better about herself.

what will he be giving u for pain. - u should make sure that there are no allergies to it and its not addictive. my friend was taking painkillers for a while after that. she liked them too much.

make sure that u do what he tells u. it can cost u a lot. my friend went dancing and the scar is much wider then it should be. she never listens :(

good luck dear.
no i haven't. good luck!!! :)
To your original question--no-never had cosmetic surgery.
I had a reduction so I doubt my questions would be useful to you lol.

Good luck with it, but might I add, without sounding condescending, don't go up too many sizes..big boobs can be real uncomfortable, and you may not like the end result!!
I know friends that have.

One thing...they will sell the recovery time as being less than what it really is. They are out for a sale.

Bruising is also downplayed. Be aware that you might not want to do this if you are planning on going on a vacation in a bikini in the next couple of months.

Finally, you will feel the implant as as a sort of foreign body for the rest of your life. You get used to it, but you will always know they are there. are brave...

I hope you are going to a reputatable plastic surgeon. A friend of mine of got it done and she went throught some nasty complications...

Good Luck!!
then you'll look like all those other phoney half coconut breasts.
you are right it is your decision, I have no moral stance on Cosmetic Surgery except I wouldn't have it doen personally as I am such a scaredy cat, and I wouldn't have surgery unnecessarily.

Anyway, I think you should ask about previous work the surgeon has carried out, how will it look when you first have it done (i have heard there is loads of bruising and it's not pretty) There's a few for starters
no but im not saying i wouldnt if it was cheaper, how much is it costing u
You should ask if the surgeon is a board certified surgeon. how many surgeries has he done like the one he is doing for you. show you before and after photos , he won't mind believe me. Is this his field of expertice? ask what size he recommends and take his advice! Don't ask for double D's if he doesn't recommend them for your body type. How long is the operation going to take? Ask how they will do it? through the nipple or under the arm? They expect these questions. It is pretty simple operation but the biggest thing is that the doctor is board certified for your state and hopefully it is california.
yes i had breast enlargement 5 years ago and it was one of the best things i have ever done in terms of confidence etc.. questions you may want to ask about is: 1. what type of implant are they intending to use? IMHO silicone is best as saline has more chance of leaking. 2. where will they place the implant? if you want natural looking (like mine are) then opt for behind the muscle, but if you want the fake victoria beckham look the opt for in front of the muscle. 3. will you be having drains afterwards? i didn't have to have one as they were put behind the muscle therefore i wouldn't have anything to drain. 4. what size (in cc's) will you be having put in? note it down when you have decided as you will need to know in roughly 10 years time when you will need them replaced. 5. ask to see the surgeons certficates and MBOC papers. 6. ask to see reccommendations from past customers and photo before and afters. and finally ask for the cut to be put in the crease line where your bra will go (some people opt for it to be under the armpit or through the nipple which must be more painful and unnatural looking. have fun, i wish you the best of luck :-)
no i would be to scared
Yes, I had breast enlargement about 15 years ago. katie d. pretty much covered the most important things - is it their area of expertise, size, etc. The only other thing is under the chest muscle or above it. Mine were put under the muscle which created a natural bra and have helped the look last much longer.

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