Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is your opinion on this new cosmetic surgery on women? isn't it the same as circumcision?

check the link first.鈥?/a>

If you ask me it it the same thing as men getting circumcised just for the look of it. Both are not required and are there just to make money for the doctors. what is your opinion?What is your opinion on this new cosmetic surgery on women? isn't it the same as circumcision?
Whoever says circumcision is not a cosmetic procedure is wrong. That is its only purpose - practically every doctor (except for some of those whose main income is getting paid to do it, funny that) has agreed it is cosmetic and that is its official definition for many medical insurances and such.What is your opinion on this new cosmetic surgery on women? isn't it the same as circumcision?
It obviously isn't just there to make money for the doctors if people are asking for it, it's obviously there for people who need and want it done. It said people are happy and grateful for it, doctors get money out of it but they should if they are working like any other person works. You can call something cosmetic but if it has multiple purposes then it isn't just cosmetic like the article says, and circumcision isn't just cosmetic like people have obviously said because they needed it to be. I know someone who wanted it done because of the look but other people have problems with it. People have stomach surgery done because they're fat, you might as well just call that cosmetic surgery despite the fact that it might be saving their life. It's helping people and these surgeries can help people too.
circumcision DOES change the look of the penis, same as this operation changes the look of the labia...

but circumcision is also done for hygenical reasons, to keep things clean there. Plus, it's not a cosmetic procedure at all.

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