Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?

would you ever have cosmetic surgery and if yes what?

would it put you off if you had to watch it being done to someone elce before you have it done?

would you ever be a cosmetic surgeon?Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?
If my b00bs would sag to my knees and my butt would sink to my ancles in the next five years, yes: probably. If I had the money, that is. Apart from that: Naaah. I always say: Act and look your age! So if you are 65, don't try to look 21. That is just scary. Besides: no matter how long you look, you are going to die in any case.Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?
Depends on the situation. For vanity purpose no, because I am beautiful ^_^. For medical issues or if something was interfering with my daily life, yes!
NO I never would, I have also seen on the internet some really good disfigurements.......

I could never become a cosmetic surgeon as I would hate a job whereby I was making a lilving on other peoples insecurities....
I'm due to come in to a large sum of money soon and it's all going to cosmetic surgery. I'm having my boobs lifted, eye bags removed, face lifted a new nose and I'll put a little money aside for anything else I may need later. The horror stories don't put me off and even if it all goes wrong I couldn't look any worse than I do now. It's a confidence boost that I've needed all my life.
yeah , i dont think it would put me off watching other people having it done!
Oh yes, I would. I love big breast, though.
Definitely! There's lots of things I'd like done, from my left eyelid being altered to my right ribs being reduced in size ever so slightly so match those on the left side. Problem is I could never afford it and I'm not entirely confident that the surgeons of this day and age could do it perfectly if at all. Be nice to have genetic modification too, so that I could pass on better looks to any children I might have - 'sins of the father' and all. After all, most people are very shallow.
I would do my breast. They are too big for my frame.
Yes, I'm considering it. I'm large chested and gravity is starting to do it's thing. Plus, I was overweight for a lot of years and over the past 2 years I've lost a lot of weight and my b00bs are a little stretched out. I'd get a reduction and lift but avoid implants. I've watched surgies and as long as I research the doctor and don't go to someone who advertising discount plasctic surgery I'd get it. Oh, and I have to save up the money. I think as long as you take sometime to think about it and you have a good overall self-image, there's nothing wrong with plastic surgery. It's when women feel the need to put something the size of a watermelon on their chest before they've barely grown into their bodies that makes me a little sad.

I'd never be a cosmetic surgeon personally, just because I think cosmetic surgeons need to be artists as well as medics and I'm really bad at precise, artistic sort of stuff, like drawing a straight line.
no. I intend to grow old gracefully not looking like a sad oldbag who cant accept reality n tries to turn back tome surgically. just accept what the goddess gave you people for fecks sake. beauty is skin deep, personality counts sooo much more
I dont think so because I think that everybody needs to stay the same way they are and people need to be happy the waty they look they can always go and make over or sumthin like that...
too right i would, hold back a few years, and no it would not put me off , you see it on tele after all, is nothing sacred. yes with the cost of plastic surgery , they must all be millionaires
No-I would spend the money on four or five Caribbean cruises instead.Or one world cruise; Much better value for money
no i will not have one
Possibly at some point in the future, most likely just for under my eyes. But I would be afraid of them messing up and permanently ruining me.

Watching it done to someone else wouldn't affect my decision, but hearing about people whose lives were ruined might.

I could never be any type of doctor, I'm too squeamish.
omg yes yes yes if i had the money i would do everything

money cant buy you love but beauty yeah sure!!!!!
That depends on my state of mind at the time. After i had my daughter i thought everything headed south very rapidly and i was horrified. at that time i wanted a boob job, a tummy tuck and liposuction but now after a year of dieting and excersise im getting back into shape so im not quite as worried.

No it wouldnt bother me watching someone have it done, i often watch medical programs and find them highly interesting. When i had my c-section i didnt want a screen so i could see what they were doing but they refused!

Yes i would be a cosmetic surgeon i think it would be nice to make people feel better about themselves however if i was to make a mess of something i think i would be traumatised!
pesonally no i wouldnt have cosmetic surgery (although i probably need it hehe) because im basically a wuss and would be scared of it going wrong and being left with a face etc thats worse than it was originally, yes i would be a cosmetic surgeon if i felt i was artistic enough to not make a mess of someones face but ill stick to being a trainee doctor with the goal of being a brain surgeon instead...

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