Wednesday, June 23, 2010

If you were awarded free cosmetic surgery of one kind, what would you choose and why?

I want cute 16-18 y/o boobies. Mine were so fine I'd have had them painted nude before babies.

1 and 2 weren't bad but #3 lost a lot of the cuteness. My hubby doesn't complain though. I hear some doctors give group rates, any one interested? Some of my friends that worked at UPS did and they saved about $1000 a piece. Looked good too.If you were awarded free cosmetic surgery of one kind, what would you choose and why?
Breast implants. Nothing crazy. I'm a 36 A, and I'd just like a nice full B or small C cup. But I actually plan on possibly getting breast implants someday after my husband and I finally have kids and are done having kids (we have been TTC like crazy). That way, they can stuff 'em and fluff 'em at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I love my body, and I'm confident, but I've always wanted less of a flat chest. Jury's still out on if I'd actually have the nerve to do it though. :DIf you were awarded free cosmetic surgery of one kind, what would you choose and why?
nothing. i dont agree with cosmetic surgery, its fake and its dangerous. Not to mention insulting to your parents, you carry on their traits and you wanting to change your looks isn't real nice to do.
Tummy tuck, breast implants, after breastfeeding two children I don't look the same anymore.
I would get a Lifelift because I would love to have tight facial skin as I did when I was younger.

Besides...I never said I would grow old gracefully...I'm gonna fight it every step of the way ;)
You're very inquisitive tonite aren't you... :)
Face lift. I'm starting to get wrinkles around my eyes and my smile lines are starting to show. I don't like that.
Does hair removal count? If so, I want it from the waist down. And I'd never have to shave again!
You must be extremely bored tonight. I'd have a breast reduction.
Liposuction!! Only so i don't have to work out to lose these extra pounds!
Breast additives...just take some of the junk away!
lipo and a tummy tuck.........cuz having kids takes a toll on the belly area.
Nose job. I want a cute button nose!
sweet Mildred sent me to help you

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