Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How much cheaper is cosmetic dentistry in Costa Rica vs. the U.S.?

I was thinking about getting cosmetic denistry done in Costa Rica because I heard it is way cheaper. Is that true and where can I find information about the prices? I want to do veneers.How much cheaper is cosmetic dentistry in Costa Rica vs. the U.S.?
Yes, it's very true. I'm going myself. There's some really great dentists there and the work for caps is 1/4 of what you'd pay here in the US.

For one tooth cap it is 400.00. Here it is 1200.00 ~ Major difference.

I read that the reason their prices are so low is because they don't have to pay back 200K in school loans not to mention their taxes aren't high like ours.

My friend went and he didn't have cosmetic work done, but needed a root canal and a few fillings and he came back very happy. That was over a year ago. I don't have that doctors name offhand.

Here's some links :) I've checked into it before, and all the doctors called me. They were all very nice and usually had a hotel that was affordable and close to their clinics.

Here's some links and best wishes to you!

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