Monday, June 21, 2010

What would you rather be a dentist, orthoontist or a cosmetic surgeon?

i wouldnt becoming any of these infact i would quite enjoy it.

would you do any or are they all to disgusting for you?????????????????????????????????

do you have the GUTS for the jobWhat would you rather be a dentist, orthoontist or a cosmetic surgeon?
i would love all of the jobs it would be a dream to be one if themWhat would you rather be a dentist, orthoontist or a cosmetic surgeon?
i would prefer to be a dentist. I think a dentist has the most satisfaction helping people from the very beginning.

you mean orthdontist
I wouldn't want to do any of it. lol it's gross.
Or even better! A cosmetic dentist. You wouldn't believe how much ones self esteem is improved by providing a bright beautiful smile. And there are so many new procedures available now adays in dentistry.....It is almost like being an artist.

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