Monday, June 21, 2010

I have been getting restylane and juvaderm cosmetic injections for a long time.?

they are so expensive. is there anyone who can teach me how to give me my own shots. I know all the nurses that give the shots....give it to themselves.....Just wondering if there is any way to do it yourself.

thanks. I live in Orange County Ca.I have been getting restylane and juvaderm cosmetic injections for a long time.?
i don't think this is a good idea.. you should have a professional do this for you... there are a lot of consequences and difficulties such as

- If you get the needle stuck in your skin, this can happen if it is not injected at a proper angle

- if you miss the vein, sometimes even doctors make a mistake as to missing the vein to inject.(this happened to me twice in one day once)

- And at last is that the materials are highly hazardous and dangerous... doctors dispose of them in a special way and if you do not there is a risk of infection to others.I have been getting restylane and juvaderm cosmetic injections for a long time.?
That sounds creepy: doing it yourself. I saw this episode of DR G, I think, on Discovery and this person had been getting injections regularly and ended up dead because there were punctures. You are not a nurse, be careful with your life and body! Maybe you can take a course in First Aid...? I just do not know if they teach how to give injections
Check out ths website:

Here's a great post from a guy living in St. Paul Minnesota who self injects. I'm a big fan of ';healing thy self,'; but do your homework first.
People like you are the reason I am so glad I don't live in California.

Maybe you should go to nursing school.

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