Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We are organising a seminar for Cosmetic chemist/ formulators. Can you suggest some appropriate give aways?

I used to work with a nonprofit that put on continuing education programs for nurses and doctors, so I know how much fun it can be to put together gift bags for participants.

We would try to think of things people in their particular jobs might find useful -- one year we scored some little booklets designed specifically for nurses that had basic phrases in several languages to make communicating with non-English speaking patients easier.

We would also get things that people in general might enjoy. For example, one year we got bags of baked chips made from beans -- a healthier alternative to the usual fried corn or potato chips. New products are good to include because sometimes you can get donations (if you're a non profit) or good deals since new products need promotion.

Then there are the companies that sell to the people you are giving the conference for. See what promotional items they have they would be willing to contribute. Things we got ranged from pens to instant hot packs to hammocks.

And, depending on your budget, there are things like tee shirts and sun visors and tote bags with your event logo on them.

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