Monday, June 21, 2010

Health insurance pay for post weight loss cosmetic surgery?

I have heard of some insurance companies that will pay for cosmetic surgery after you have lost weight. i.e. loose skin, tummy tuck, etc. Please help me.Health insurance pay for post weight loss cosmetic surgery?
So let me get this straight, we all pay into health insurance and you want me to pay for your cosmetic surgery because you don't like the way you look now? Really? I'll agree to that if you agree to pay for my cosmetic surgery so I can feel better about myself. Agreed?

I suggest to you, that the more insurance pays for anything, the more it costs everyone. This lunacy Obomination and Congress is promoting is all about controlling who and what will get paid for so they can take the money and obtain the power to decide. I think you will find that cosmetic surgery will NOT be included in a health care that is controlled by the government, unless Nancy Pelosi wants to fix her eyes or Obomination wants to get a brain and throw away the teleprompter.

The word Congress tells it all really. Progress ( Pro = ';for,'; Con = ';against';)

good luck to youHealth insurance pay for post weight loss cosmetic surgery?
Morbid Obesity is considered a disease . Your obesity poses a health problem for you and make you at risk for Heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and Hypertension or if you have a medical hx of these problems.. The Doctor might order a Gastric Bypass or Lap Band surgery to address your weight problem; then they would cover for all the excess loose skin that have to be removed.

Tummy Tucks( Also known as: Abdominoplasty. Abdominal Lipectomy)

are regarded as cosmetic and elective. In rare situations, sometimes ones involving gastric bypass surgery, there may be some partial insurance coverage

How to Get a Tummy Tuck Approved by Insurance

By Jody Morse, eHow Editor

To many people, the idea of getting a tummy tuck sounds wonderful, but it can be very expensive. Since most health insurance companies will not cover the cost of cosmetic procedures, it can be very challenging to get a tummy tuck paid for by insurance. This does not mean that it isn't possible to do so, however. Here are some of the things to keep in mind if you're interested in having a tummy tuck done but are unable to afford the procedure.

InstructionsThings You'll Need:

Primary care physician

Step 1) Visit your primary care physician. Have a routine physical, and talk to your doctor about any side effects that your tummy may be causing you to experience. If there is some type of health problem that can be linked to the need to have a tummy tuck, your health insurance company may be willing to provide some coverage

Step 2) Determine whether your abdominal region is causing you to experience back pain. This side effect is especially common among people who tend to carry their weight in the stomach region. Health insurance companies often cover the cost of breast reduction due to back pain, so it's not unheard of that some will provide coverage for tummy tucks when the stomach causes this same problem.

3) Allow your doctor to check you for a ventral or umbilical hernia. These are both problems that can be caused by the abdominal region. Health insurance companies may provide coverage for a tummy tuck for patients who experience either of these health problems due to their abdomen

4) Have your doctor put you on a diet and exercise regimen that may help correct the problem. Schedule regular visits in which the doctor will record any weight that you lose, or do not lose. If you have difficulty losing weight, the doctor can send the records of your repeated visits as proof that you are having a difficult time losing weight on your own

5) Request information from your health insurance company about coverage for tummy tucks. Some companies may be willing to provide a certain amount of coverage to patients who have health issues caused by their abdominal region. On the other hand, some health insurance companies may be unwilling to budge on the guidelines that they have for cosmetic procedures
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here鈥?/a> is the resource i have ever had good experience.

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