Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why d omany cosmetic companies test their products on animals?

Because human lives are more important than animals. An animal cannot sue the company, but a human can and will, if the company screws up!Why d omany cosmetic companies test their products on animals?
Funny, I just did a school report on this subject. - Animal testing is LEGAL on animals so if they get a bad allergy or reaction and freekin die nothing can happen but them saying ';OOPS';. Humans, of course can't have testing done on them. I look for products that say they don't test on animals. Report Abuse
Why d omany cosmetic companies test their products on animals?
all most all unless they say not on the package ask where you purchase the products
better animals than people
cause its fun to torture animals
go to for a list of companies that DON'T test on animals and only buy their products!!
only jackasses do that, i hate the fact that they do that also. i wish someone would do that to my pets, i would skin them alive!

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