Monday, June 21, 2010

What is your opinion on this new cosmetic surgery on women? isn't it the same as circumcision?

check the link first.鈥?/a>

If you ask me it it the same thing as men getting circumcised just for the look of it. Both are not required and are there just to make money for the doctors. what is your opinion?What is your opinion on this new cosmetic surgery on women? isn't it the same as circumcision?
I only know what I have read here and I am against any type of surgery where you try to change what nature gave us. The human body weather it is in perfect shape or out of shape is a piece of art that should not be messed with.

It is up to the individual if they want to change their body but I don't understand it.What is your opinion on this new cosmetic surgery on women? isn't it the same as circumcision?
You might see porn stars who have long hanging lips, this is not attractive,Okay I work in Plastic surgery so let me explain.

This is the trimming of the lips only, not circumcision of the Clitoral hood.

The reason for this is some woman after childbirth get stretched very badly and this causes the lips to stretch and hang, and woman want a tight and puffy looking Labia, as when we are born and into our teens this is how we look.

Other woman who have large hanging lips have a problem with Sex, The lips tend to go inside during intercourse, This is very uncomfortable for the woman, so having this surgery is the answer for them. It is not all about Vanity.
i think it is ok to get it and i am thinking about it myself. if you feel uncomfortable with that area and it is sometimes painfull, i think if you have the extra money to spend that there is nothing wrong with it.
This has come up so much lately. Its weird that other people have actually thought about wanting this besides me...
I think the surgery is fine for medical purposes, such as pain associated with a longer labia. If it's your body do as you please. The reasons women in adult entertainment have surgeries is because their vaginas are on display. In the real world no women's vaginas are unless your a celebrity getting out a car and wearing not panties. If it makes women feel better, then why not, but their standards shouldn't be based on the vagina of someone else.
I hate the whole idea of ';designer vaginas';. It's so superficial and rather dangerous. All genitals, male and female, look a little weird, or so I think, but that doesn't mean they can't be fun. And those girls who claim they would turn down an uncircumcised guy - it's just like a man turning them down because they don't have a DV.

I'm sure that doctor quoted likes it - with the money he gets for each one! They pray on people's insecurities. Very rarely is that sort of thing needed, women just need to learn that porn is not reality and love their own body. Even most men aren't so shallow as to be turned off by longer lips.

Funnily, some medical associations have issued statements saying that such DV surgery has risks and is not recommended - yet they turn a blind eye to circumcision!

Then again, I am totally in support with what a woman wants to get done to her body, even if I find it sad. The main problem with circumcision is how it is performed on newborns! That is gross especially for cosmetic surgery.
The viginoplasty has it's place. However, i think it is greatly abused. Let me explain.... if women are insecure about the tightness after childbirth or age, I feel that doctors who preform this make it sound like a cure all. Furthermore it can actualy cause many problemsand should be weighed very carefully has some information on the side effects. On the other hand some women actualy do need reconstruction after childbirth. I tore horibbly during birth, and was stitched up, and healed, 2 inches lopsided, leaving some muscles exposed that shouldn't be and nerves not lined up. After my next child is born, I will most likely tear worse. My (new) doctor recomended waiting to get repairs done untill i am done with kids. Depending on how bad the tearing is the second go round he may recomend I see someone for that type of proceedure, if the damage the first doc caused is too extensive. It may be something a plastic surgen must fix due to the nerves and muscles involved. It wouldn't be simply to keep up with the porn stars, but it would make me feel less like frankenstien down there.

*There is nothing more sexy to me than a woman who is authentic, smart, funny, open, genuine, truthful, caring and kind. For young, vibrant women to look past their own SELF and look to ';celebrities'; and porn stars for images of self-worth, it's a SAD, SAD world we are living in.
I think people should leave their bodies alone,you were made a certain way for a reason,and I feel like people should learn to except themselves for who they are and stop with all this living up to everyone else expectations,';Everyone is beautiful in their own way'; :)
It is very rare that any kind of plastic surgery is actually necessary. If they really want it done then I guess they can do for circumcision, I don't know a whole lot of men who are getting it done...mostly babies who have no say in the matter.
I try not to pass judgment on people who get plastic surgery, and sometimes I really understand why they do this, but with this one - why?
This is just another example of how much the porn culture has permeated our society. The ideal for female beauty is that they have big puffy lips, tiny pointed noses, bleached hair, huge breasts, and now this. I would like to go back to the old days of porno movies when the actors actually looked like real people. The men were hairy and not particularly fit and the women had normal sized breasts and they didn't look like little girls in their lower extremities.
Circumcision on males, I could understand. It's easier to keep clean and reduces the risk of infections, but that surgery they described, I would never have done. Even if I could afford it, I'm happy just the way I am.
10,000.00 for something that is covered up most of the time.?

Babies are cicumsized to reduce the chance of infections through life.
i inderstand the circumcision as being a cleanly thing. also a jewish thing. as far as women having surgery, i believe that we need to accept ourselfs for who we are. If you cant do that cosmetically how can you possibly do that internally.

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