Saturday, November 28, 2009

College with a cosmetic arts program?

I want to get my major in lingustics, but I also want a cosmetology liscence. Are there any full time colleges that can offer me both? I'm not looking for a community college or anything, I want to go to a school like USC, Notre Dame, Wash U... a mainstream school. College with a cosmetic arts program?
SBroX, There is a lot of information on the internet that can help . Different schools offer different programs and many people change concentrations or majors.鈥?/a>College with a cosmetic arts program?
Can't say it with absolute certainty, but I'm pretty postive that not big-time schools, especially not top-tier schools like the three you mentioned, offer cosmetology. If you really want to know for sure, look at the individual schools' websites.

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