Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is it ok for teens to get cosmetic surgeries?


i swear by 2020...people are gonna look like aliens from outer space..with stretched weird faces and huge silicone chests.......babies too..because every wacked out idea is accpetable nowadays!!

this world is f**** up! people are not grateful of the very life they have and their bodies.Is it ok for teens to get cosmetic surgeries?
No it is not OK, you are too young and your body will continue to change with age.

Do you want to look like Joan Rivers when you are 25, all plastic and pulled too tight.

It would be OK only if you had an imperfection that needed to be corrected. Otherwise, stay away from it, it can be addicting.Is it ok for teens to get cosmetic surgeries?
no because the body hasnt finished the sugery could look stupid in a few years time, since things change for a few more a nose job done too young might look weird if the nose continues to change after the op. If you are 16 and have a boob job, then you might not even need one....I actually went from a B cup to a DD between the ages of 20 and beware, things can really change!!! I am still a D now (they shrunk again, slightly lol) and really pleased i didnt have any op.
ok medically or ok ethically?

medically? yes in most cases

ethically? no in most cases

but reconstructive surgury is ok.

totally my opinion tho
Depends on what you want done, why you want it done, if it's medically necessary or socially necessary...
well if you wanna look like this after a while.yo choice.
No- you should wait until your body is fully developed before changing it.
i agree with dawn unless its manitory or needed dont do it natural beauty is da best beauty.
NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!!!
Try a Self-esteem program instead!


Disgustingly gross!
No. That's a stupidity at any age.

dont be fake at a young age.

being natural is better looking
um...kinda taboo if ya ask me

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