Monday, November 30, 2009

Ok, so when you go to a cosmetic aisle and women offer to put makeup on you?

if you let them does that mean you now have to buy what she put on you, or buy something?Ok, so when you go to a cosmetic aisle and women offer to put makeup on you?
Absolutely not! This is a complimentary service offered by the counter in hopes that you'll fall in love with some of their products and purchase them. Actually this tactic actually works on most people, including myself. If you're looking for makeup that looks good on you, its best that you try these makeovers, rather than going to your local drug store and purchase items that are of the wrong color etc.Ok, so when you go to a cosmetic aisle and women offer to put makeup on you?
no, no legal obligation, they are trying to make you feel guilty about it though.
The make up is over priced and you can get just as good if not better from the drug store. But they can give you good tips and ideas so let them do it then say you want to wear it and get others options before you buy anything and than go to the drug store and get something similar.
wow, where do you shop? you dont have to buy the stuff, they are lettign you try it.
NO! The makeovers are a free service designed to allow customers to try out different types of products and see which colors, formulas, etc. are best for you. Once again, this is COMPLIMENTARY. If you happen to fall in love with a product or two and decide you want to buy them, great. If you don't, that's fine too.
no. they do that so that you will feel guilty if you dont buy something. Its like going into a store that offers free samples of food just because you tried it doesnt mean that you like or even have to buy it. Next time just say no thanx.
no its OK if you try them; they do this to convince you of their products; if you tried something but you didn't buy it this time; you might another time; they cant make you buy anything; but honestly i only let them put make up if i had intentions to buy; and sometimes; i change my mind because i don't find the product suitable for me; so it is OK:)
No, they are not allowed to require that but, I think they do expect it. I have never done that personally.
I don't let them... I tell them men should not wear makeup and walk on past them!
yea i think so and never do that they make u look like **** !!!

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