Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do you think there should be a age limit on plastic/cosmetic surgary?

Yes! Cosmetic surgery should be done only on people whose bodies have finished maturing, or in emergency situations (like having a dog maul your face or something).Do you think there should be a age limit on plastic/cosmetic surgary?
Yes there should be unless there are birth defects, burns, etc...

I think that quite a bit of young people haven't had enough life experiences to gain confidence, accept themselves and appreciate their uniqueness like most of us do as we get older. Also, some parents are a lttle crazy and try to live vicariously through their teenagers, (usually moms, beauty pagent moms) so they shouldn't be the decision maker in a permanent life altering transformation. Does that make sense?Do you think there should be a age limit on plastic/cosmetic surgary?
Well, age is one thing. It depends on your problem/want for the surgery. Something like spidery veins or something needed, then that usually comes up with age. But if you are trying to cover a simple flaw like cellulite, there is better help out there that isn't so ';fake';.... try this radio program:鈥?/a>
Yes. Nobody should have cosmetic surgery until the person is physically mature. Many plain Janes develop into beautiful women.

Plastic surgery for children and adolescents is appropriate in case of a physical deformity caused by an accident or birth defect.
Yes. If you cannot spell beyond eigth grade, then you are probably too young for elective surgery.
Every person has the right to do what they want with their own body. To ensure that we are protecting young people from being rash about making life changing decisions about their body it seems right that there body should have reached maturatity before being able to undergo cosmetic surgery.

There are always exceptions to this though i.e. and accident or disfiguration that would be inhumane not to consider from a medical or quality of life perspective.

I believe the person should be 21 years old.

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