Monday, November 30, 2009

If you could get cosmetic surgery, what would you get?

This is anything considered COSMETIC, like teeth, tummy tuck, ear tuck, lips, hair removal, etc. What would your top choices be?If you could get cosmetic surgery, what would you get?
i would have the hair removed from my neck down.If you could get cosmetic surgery, what would you get?
Been there, done that! :) First I got braces when I was 15, and then breast implants when I was 22.

If I had to choose anything else to do, it'd probably be rhinoplasty(nose job). I think my nose is too long and beaklike. I especially hate how my nose appears in most pictures. I have to hold my head at specific angles for it to look half decent. But I don't know if I'd want to get a nose job though, because it's one of the most difficult plastic surgery procedures, therefore making it the most prone to screw-ups or having the nose not turn out optimally. A screwed-up nose job will be more obvious and apparent than a screwed-up boob job, since boobs are hidden under clothing during the day and since a bad nose job affects not just your nose, but your whole face.

2nd, I'd probably get my chin restructured. Even as a very thin girl, sadly I have somewhat of a double chin like the kind that fat people have. There's too much fat on it and as a result, people in the past that didn't know me and only saw a headshot of me had mistaked me for being a ';fat person'; even though I was in fact somewhat underweight.
Tummy without even thinking .... what about you??
I'd lipo my whole lower body. :o)
nothing ............ happy just the way I am!
hair removal.

I would get lipo on my stomach and my back. Then I would get a butt implant (LOL)
I would never actually get it done. I like who I am... but if I had to... Tummy Tuck, Teeth whitening, and Breast reduction.
Tummy tuck. Or Band? I dunt like the spare tire around ma middle.
a brow lift
I have big breasts and they definitely need lifted and/or reduced.
tummy tuck

teeth whiting

i have an athletic built but there are always that problem area....

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