Monday, November 30, 2009

Which sign do you think would consider cosmetic surgery and why?What's your sign?

Leo because they are quite vain and loves to be adored.

Aries because they are competitive and like to be no. 1 in things, body, in this case.

Geminis because they are quite open minded, so cosmetic surgery is a possibility.

Virgos because they are like to look perfect so they might be small surgeries here and there?

lazy to think of more. Capricorn here. personally i wouldn't go for surgeries like lipo etc because i believe that they can be shed with exercises. (practical i know) perhaps when i get older i might just go and do some to look nice, no big change like beast enhancements etc though. who knows?Which sign do you think would consider cosmetic surgery and why?What's your sign?
Well, I think it would deffinetely be the libra's!

Just my opinion though!

They are always at the mall shopping for shoes/luxury items!

and trying to be expensive! (pfft, my mom)

and trying to look their greatest, and if not,

they WILL consider surgery (not all though)

So, Thats just from my personal experience..

And plus, every libra I've talked to/known, always alwayss*

Look so well groomed.Which sign do you think would consider cosmetic surgery and why?What's your sign?
Libra - because they are very vain and dont think about deeper issues like health

Aries - like the first answerer said, because they like to be best at everything

Maybe Leo because they would like people to sit up and take notice of the changes in them.
Well, my mom would if she had the money.... She's a Cancer and very superficial. She has a Libra rising, though.

I guess any sign would as long as they hate how they look.

I'm a Sagittarius.

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