Saturday, November 28, 2009

How Could This Girl Look More Caucasian? No peacey answers...just cosmetic and scientifically biological ones?鈥?/a>

I do not have self hate issues...I am just curious...I am inspired my Jackson's 90's video black and white what do I have to do to look caucasian?How Could This Girl Look More Caucasian? No peacey answers...just cosmetic and scientifically biological ones?
Actually you look like what alot of guys want. You sort of have that mulatto look there and alot of people dig mulattoes. Your breasts look great too, don't mess with those either. It's funny, in that video there's a line something like, ';I'm not gonna spend my life being a color'; and I think most people think he's talking about racism and self-image issues. I think he's saying he's not going to spend his life being black ( a color - as blacks and mixed race people in America were called).How Could This Girl Look More Caucasian? No peacey answers...just cosmetic and scientifically biological ones?
.......sorry young are beautiful just the way you are....don't change anything.......your complexion, your hair...your eyes...why ruin it.....stay the way you are...... and besides if you start messing around, you could turn out to look really ugly and you don't want that.
she looks cute why change?

But baby power? But then whites are not that color either I don't know.

Also don't listen to the other poster dying your hair blond will not work I seen other whites with your hair color plus blond is super rare.
Looks great to me. Seriously though, why change something that has nothing wrong with it?

If you are that worried try going with dark red hair and getting color contacts to make your eyes green or blue.

Is it a peer pressure thing? A lot of girls wish they they had that type of skin tone. I prefer girls that are not blonde, anything but blonde is good.
Dye your hair blonde?
i don't know, you would have to change facial features and skin and hair color

i mean honestly, you are so beautiful, i don't see why you would need to change yourself at all

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