Monday, November 30, 2009

If you can have a NO RISK cosmetic surgery,(free of charge) What would you fix and why?

Bigger boobs, not too big. Just 1-2 cups bigger. And butt, I'm loosing my butt, I sit around a lot and it's getting flatter as time passes.If you can have a NO RISK cosmetic surgery,(free of charge) What would you fix and why?
I would get ANOTHER breast reduction. I've had 2 already.If you can have a NO RISK cosmetic surgery,(free of charge) What would you fix and why?
id get the extra fat off my thighs

its the only thing that im self concious about.
my nose... people say it is too big

i disagree but i still want it smaller
to be completey honest I wouldn't change a thing God made me the way I am for a reason. I might be 6'1'; and 220 lbs. But I love myself just the way I am.
I agree with the first answerer, if I had to choose I'd get a tummy tuck but since you're talking about cosmetic surgery.... IDK. My lips are kinda big though. :S
I would get lipo for my thighs, they are the only place on my body I cant seem to lose weight
Boob Job. I have always wanted one.
boob job. the size of my boobs is fine, i jus want them evened out and lifted a little. it would be awesome to never have to wear a bra... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
boob job for some perkiness!:)
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