Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is there any cosmetic invented which not harmful to environment after use???

We all use soap, shampoo, tooth paste, etc... in our daily routine. As much as i know it is made from different chemicals. When we use it, it releases different chemicals. Which goes in gutter/drenage then it meets to river %26amp; then meets to sea. Which is harmful to our body and environment...

If any environment friendly cosmatic is invented then we should tell to cosmatic manufacturer so as to save water...Is there any cosmetic invented which not harmful to environment after use???
It is a fact that most if not all cosmetics are chemically synthesize. However this does not necessarily mean that they are harmful to the environment much more to our mother Earth. There are exceptions however since some cosmetic products actually jeopardize both the user and the environment. Have you ever heard of cases about lipstick with very high concentrations of lead? This is a very good example of a product that is what we deemed as environmental unfriendly. There are companies however that closely watch the level of chemicals in all their product to that which we and our environment can tolerate.

On top of this the main reason why products such as these are constantly manufactured lies in the inherent property that they make our life more comfortable.

Hope this helps...Is there any cosmetic invented which not harmful to environment after use???
yes, there are many environmentally friendly cosmetics. Burtsbees is one of the more popular. Also look for the label ';cruely free'; to ensure that they do do animal testing.

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