Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cosmetic dentistry- do you lose feeling in your teeth?

i'd like to have caps on my teeth to make them prettier, but i'm worried about loss of sensation.

if you've had corrective dentistry can you describe the difference in feeling / possible pitfallsCosmetic dentistry- do you lose feeling in your teeth?
You do not feel with your teeth. Inside the root there is a pulp of nerves and tissue, but its function is not related to sensing.

If you get a crown, veneer, or even a filling, then your tooth may be a bit more sensitive to hot/cold than normal for up to six weeks. Afterward, you will not be able to feel the difference between a real tooth and one that has been repaired.

The main pitfall in getting a crown or veneer is that some patients stubbornly insist on a whither shade than what the dentist recommends and then it looks weird with a shining bright tooth. A competent dentist will prevent you from falling into any pitfall.Cosmetic dentistry- do you lose feeling in your teeth?
There is no sensitivity in your teeth except at the root. If you cap your teeth sometimes one may come off. I've had it happen. If your teeth are pretty and this is just a way to have whiter teeth, ask your dentist what he thinks..

They are usually honest.
Lose feeling in your teeth? I never had any feeling in I weird?

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