Saturday, November 28, 2009

Looking for info on having cosmetic surgery ( face/nose) done outside of USA. Has anyone done it and where ?

I am trying to see which country has the best surgeons, cleanest hospitals and best safety record. I want to get a face lift and nose job. I think this was raised about a year ago but perhaps some folks may have more suggestions now or perhaps someone who has actual experience having it done may be able to share. there were comments posted about India, brazil, So. Africa but it would be helpful to have actual contact info since I have not been too successful in locating anything other than surgeons located in the USA . ThanksLooking for info on having cosmetic surgery ( face/nose) done outside of USA. Has anyone done it and where ?
Face lift surgery is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her breast reduction, tummy tuck and facelift surgery in India by the company called Tour2india4health Consultants .The Price for the surgery she paid in India was very less. She paid 30% of the cost she was quoted in America.

Tour2india4health Consultants is very famous in India. They arrange cosmetic and plastic surgery for foreigners in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low price, as the breast reduction, tummy tuck, facelift and other cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

Hope this helps.Looking for info on having cosmetic surgery ( face/nose) done outside of USA. Has anyone done it and where ?
Be carefull girl to do anything overseas!!! It is better to just pay the money and have it done in here and if you don't like it the doctor will redo it for free you will just pay the anastisialogist. If you have it done for example in Brazil, they will put you on the flight as soon as you feel better and if you need redone you have to go there again and pay ticket, hotel taxi etc. etc. and before you know it you have payed more that in US. I had a work done in January and did not like it too much so he was redoing it this past week for nothing. Good luck with everything you decide, but the worst thing is to be messed up and not able to do anything with it. Best to pay once and more, than twice or three times for fixing it.
Nose job is very safe nowadays. My cousin got her breast reduction, tummy tuck and facelift surgery in India by the company called Tour2india4health Consultants .The Price for the surgery she paid in India was very less. She paid 30% of the cost she was quoted in America.

Tour2india4health Consultants is very famous in India. They arrange cosmetic and plastic surgery for foreigners in India. I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery abroad for low price, as the breast reduction, tummy tuck, facelift and other cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. They also have photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost savings. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery can be easily handled in India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best in the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

Hope this helps.
Thaland and the Philippines have very good cosmetic surgery hositals/clinics. It is comparatively inexpensive and the service and quality of really good.
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